Chart of Central Events in the Ancient Near East
Old Testament Life and Literature (1968)
Gerald A. Larue
CHART XVIII. Chart of Central Events in the Ancient Near East
Aegean and GreeceEgyptAsia MinorSyria and PalestineAssyriaBabyloniaIran
2800Egyptian writingEarly Bronze Walled CitiesCuneiform writing2800
2600Old Kingdom PyramindsEarly city states2600
2200Sargon of Agade2200
2000First Intermediate PeriodMiddle BronzeUnder BabylonAmorite
invasionsUnder Babylon 2000
1900Middle KingdomLipit-Ishtar1900
1800Assyrian trade colonies foundedCommercial expansionRise of BabylonOld
Elamite Kingdom 1800
Minoan Linear A 1700HyksosOld Hittite KingdomHammurabi Cassite
1500New KingdomHittites sack Babylon1500
Minoan Linear B 1400Mitanni KingdomNuzi1400
1300Amarna Period: Akhenaten
The ExodusNew Hittite EmpireUgarit 'Apiru1300
1200Rameses IIHittite hieroglyphic writingHebrew conquest1200
Trojan War 1100XX DynastySea PeoplesPhilistines
JudgesTiglath Pileser INebuchad- rezzar I1100
Dorian invasion 1000Saul1000
Greek alphabet 900David
Kingdom dividesAssyrian domination900
800Israel and JudahAshurnasir- pal II800
Homer 700Ethiopian dominationFall of SamariaSargon IIMerodach- Baladan
600Assyrian invasionKing Gyges of LydiaHezekiahSennacherib
Fall of NinevehAssyrian domination
Chaldean DynastyMedes
Rise of Achaemenids
Solon 500Persian conquestCyrus defeats King Croecus of LydiaFall of
Babylonian Captivity
Return to JudahPersian domination
Cyrus rulesNebuchad- rezzar II
Persian capture of BabylonCyrus
Darius I
Persian Wars Age of Pericles 400Rebuilding Judah Nehemiah, EzraXerxes I
Alexander 300Alexander
Seleucids- PtolemiesAlexander
Roman domination 100Seleucids forced out of Asia MinorMaccabeesParthians
capture Babylon100
Roman provinceSeleucids collapse
Pompey takes Jerusalem
Judea formed
Old Testament Life and Literature is copyright © 1968, 1997 by Gerald A. Larue.
All rights reserved.
The electronic version is copyright © 1997 by Internet Infidels with the written
permission of Gerald A. Larue.
Internet Infidels 1995-1999. All rights reserved.
Last updated: Monday, 30-Nov-98 07:56:48 MST
History has been unkind to the Kassites, a people who come onto the
stage of history in the one of the most chaotic periods in the Middle
East. In the middle of the second millenium BC, Indo-European peoples
began vast and chaotic migrations out of Europe towards Persia and India;
this migration was powered by a stunning new technology: the military use
of horses and chariots. These invasions displaced many peoples who began
to migrate in many directions, and some headed towards Mesopotamia and
Palestine. These were Asian people who had adopted Indo-European authority
and military structures, and many of them were invaders who set up
miniature kingdoms dotting the landscape of the Middle East and Asia
Minor. The Hittites were the most successful of these new invaders. But
they didn't control the center of Mesopotamia, the city of Babylon, for
very long before another Indo-European people, the Kassites, roared in and
dominated a large part of Mesopotamia. The Hittite empire continued for
several hundred years, but the Kassites would dominate the center of
Mesopotamia both militarily and commercially.
After storming into Babylon, they renamed the city, Karanduniash, and
made their capital in a new city that they built from scratch,
Durkurigalzu. In this respect, we can see in the dim dust of history an
attempt to do something new culturally in Mesopotamia. But the Kassites
are gone within a blink of an eye, as wave after wave of migrations put
pressure on their fragile hold on power. By 1200, all the great
Indo-European kingdoms, that great human experiment in transforming
Mesopotamia into an Indo-European culture, have been weakened by the
incessant troubles of war and invasion, and the Assyrians, a Semitic
people angered by Indo-European domination, would return the area to
Semitic control. Under the Assyrian king, Ashur-Dan, the last Kassite king
was driven from the Babylonian throne in the twelfth century BC.
History, of course, is written by the winners. We know very little
about the Kassites except that their conquerors felt that they were
barbarians and savages. What they intended culturally we will never know,
whether they would adopt the genealogy of Sumerian culture as so many
peoples had done before them or whether they would have forged something
new. But their story was swallowed up in the soil they thought they owned,
and with dust their paper they left us only their names.
Richard Hooker
World Cultures Home Page
©1996, Richard Hooker
Updated 9-25-97
The Chaldeans
After the fall of Assyrian power in Mesopotamia, the last great group
of Semitic peoples dominated the area. Suffering mightily under the
Assyrians, the city of Babylon finally rose up against its hated enemy,
the city of Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian empire, and burned it to
the ground. The chief of the Babylonians was Nabopolassar; the Semites
living in the northern part of Mesopotamia would never gain their
independence again.
The Hebrews
The Exile
Nabopolassar was succeeded by his son, Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BC).
Nebuchadnezzar was the equal of all the great Mesopotamian conquerors,
from Sargon onwards; he not only prevented major powers such as Egypt and
Syria from making inroads on his territory, he also conquered the
Phoenicians and the state of Judah (586 BC), the southern Jewish kingdom
that remained after the subjugation of Israel, the northern kingdom, by
the Assyrians. In order to secure the territory of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar
brought Jehoiachin and Zedekiah, the two kings of Judah (in succession)
and held them in Babylon. In keeping with Assyrian practice, the "New
Babylonians," or Chaldeans forced a large part of the Jewish population to
relocate. Numbering possibly up to 10,000, these Jewish deportees were
largely upper class people and craftspeople; this deportation marks the
beginning of the Exile in Jewish history.
Under Nebuchadnezzar, the city of Babylon was rebuilt with great
splendor; it would eventually become one of the most magnificent human
cities in the area of the Middle East and Mediterranean. But all was not
perfect beneath the shining surface; there still existed a number of
cities that were loyal to the Assyrians. The entire period dominated by
the Babylonians, in fact, is a period of great unrest as Babylonian
hegemony was continually tested by philo-Assyrians. This conflict slammed
the door on the Babylonian empire after a dynasty of only five kings.
Babylon in 555 BC came under the control of a king loyal to the Assyrians,
Nabonidus (555-539 BC), who attacked Babylonian culture at its heart: he
placed the Assyrian moon-god, Sin, above the Babylonian's principal god,
Marduk, who symbolized not only the faith of Babylon but the very city and
people itself. Angered and bitter, the priests and those faithful to
Babylon would welcome Cyrus the Conqueror of Persia into their city and
end forever Semitic domination of Mesopotamia. The center of the Middle
Eastern world shifted to Cyrus's capital, Susa, and it would shift again
after the Greeks and then the Romans. For almost two and a half centuries,
Mesopotamia and Babylon at its center, dominated the landscape of early
civilization in the Middle East to be finally eclipsed by the rising sun
of the Indo-European cultures to the north and to the west.
Richard Hooker
After the last Sumerian dynasty fell around 2000 BC, Mesopotamia
drifted into conflict and chaos for almost a century. Around 1900 BC, a
group of Semites called the Amorites had managed to gain control of most
of the Mesopotamian region. Like the Akkadians, the Amorites centralized
the government over the individual city-states and based their capital in
the city of Babylon, which was originally called Akkad and served as the
center of the Amorite empire. For this reason, the Amorites are called the
Old Babylonians and the period of their ascendancy over the region, which
lasted from 1900-1600 BC, is called the Old Babylonian period.
The Sumerian monarchy underwent significant changes; in order to
justify the enormous power the monarch enjoyed, the Old Babylonians
believed that the monarch was a god and had a divine origin. This powerful
new monarchy invented new ways to adminster the state and its resources:
taxation and involuntary military service. Above all, the greatest
innovation was centralization. While the Sumerian civilization consisted
of independent and autonomous city-states, the Old Babylonian state was a
behemoth of dozens of cities. In order to make this system work, power and
autonomy was taken from the individual cities and invested in the monarch.
As a result, an entirely new set of laws were invented by the Old
Babylonians: laws which dealt with crimes against the state.
It is in the realm of law that the Sumerian state was most dramatically
changed by the Amorites. While law among the Sumerians was administered
jointly by individuals and the state, the Old Babylonians allowed the
state to more actively pursue and punish criminals. The punishments became
dramatically more draconian: the death penalty was applied to many more
crimes, including "bad behavior in a bar."
The Hittites
Roaring into history from mysterious origins, the Hittites would rule a
great empire that stretched from Mesopotamia to Syria and Palestine. The
Hittites are shrouded in fog and mystery; we don't where they came from,
and for a long time the language they spoke was undecipherable. In the
end, it turns out they were Indo-European, that is, they spoke a language
from the Indo-European language family, which includes English, German,
Greek, Latin, Persian, and the languages of India. Their invasion spelled
the end of the Old Babylonian empire in Mesopotamia (1900-1600 BC), and
like so many others before them, the invaders adopted the ways of the
conquered; after the conquest of Mesopotamia, the Hittites adopted the
laws, religion, and the literature of the Old Babylonians thus continuing
the long heritage of Sumerian culture.
Their empire was at its greatest from 1600-1200 BC, and even after the
Assyrians gained control of Mesopotamia after 1300 BC, the Hittite cities
and territories thrived independently until 717 BC, when the territories
were finally conquered by Assyrians and others.
The Hebrew scriptures have little to say about the Hittites, and the
Egyptians regarded them as barbarians. In fact, from 1300-1200 BC, the
Hittites waged a war against Egypt that drained both empires tragically.
The Hittites themselves seem to have left few accounts of their history,
so until this century no-one really knew their culture or the greatness of
their political ascendacy
But the Hittites are perhaps one of the most significant peoples in
Mesopotamian history. Because their empire was so large and because their
primary activity was commerce, trading with all the civilizations and
peoples of the Mediterranean, the Hittites were the people primarily
responsible for transmitting Mesopotamian thought, law, political
structure, economic structure, and ideas around the Mediterranean, from
Egypt to Greece. So the Hittites are the great traders in the culture
built by the Sumerians and adopted and modified by later peoples. Because
of the Hittites, when the Hebrews migrated to Canaan under Moses they
found a people, the Canaanites, who were, culturally speaking,
The Hittites greatly modified the system of law they inherited from
the Old Babylonians. The most extensive literature that the Hittites have
left us is, in fact, decrees and laws. These laws were far more merciful
than the laws of the Old Babylonians, perhaps because the Hittites were
less concerned about maintaining a rigid, despotic central authority.
While you could lose your life for just about everything under the Old
Babylonian system of laws, including getting rowdy in a tavern, under the
Hittites only a small handful of crimes were capital crimes. Even
premeditated murder only resulted in a fine—a large fine, to be sure, but
far preferable than losing your head. They modified the role of the
monarch in that they gave the king ownership of all the land under his
control; previously, under the Sumerians and Amorites, private property
was allowed and the monarch only owned his own private property.
Individuals were allowed control over land, which belong to the king, only
by serving in the king's army. So the bulk of the population became tenant
The Hittites adopted many of the gods of the Sumerians and Old
Babylonians. The odd thing about the Hittites, though, is that they seemed
to have recognized that all gods were legitimate gods. Whenever they
conquered a people, they adopted that people's gods into their religious
system, in much the same way the uji , or clans, in early Japan would
adopt the gods of rival uji when they had conquered them. As far as
history is concerned, this has tremendous consequences for the history of
the Hebrews. The Assyrians seem to have adopted the same tolerance towards
other religions, which allowed the Jewish faith to persist after the
Jewish state was decimated by the Assyrians. And the Assyrians seem to
have adopted the same tendency to adopt the gods of conquered people, so
the Assyrian conquerors of Palestine adopted the Hebrew god, Yahweh, into
their religion. This eventually led to the only major religious schism in
Hebrew history, the schism between Jews and Samaritans (there are still
Samaritans alive today).
The Assyrians were Semitic people living in the northern reaches of
Mesopotamia; they have a long history in the area, but for most of that
history they are subjugated to the more powerful kingdoms and peoples to
the south. Under the monarch, Shamshi-Adad, the Assyrians attempted to
build their own empire, but Hammurabi soon crushed the attempt and the
Assyrians disappear from the historical stage. Eventually the Semitic
peoples living in northern Mesopotamia were invaded by another Asiatic
people, the Hurrians, who migrated into the area and began to build an
empire of their own. But the Hurrian dream of empire was soon swallowed up
in the dramatic growth of the Hittite empire, and the young Hurrian nation
was swamped. After centuries of attempts at independence, the Assyrians
finally had an independent state of their own since the Hittites did not
annex Assyrian cities. For the next several hundred years, the balance of
power would shift from the north to the south
Mesopotamia Reader
Sennacherib: The Invasion of Judah
Beginning with the monarch, Tukulti-Ninurta (1235-1198 BC), Assyria
began its first conquests, in this case the conquest of Babylon. The
Assyrian dream of empire began with the monarch, Tiglat-Pileser
(1116-1090), who extended Assyrian dominance to Syria and Armenia. But the
greatest period of conquest occurred between 883 and 824, under the
monarchies of Ashurnazirpal II (883-859 BC) and Shalmeneser III (858-824
BC), who conquered all of Syria and Palestine, all of Armenia, and, the
prize of prizes, Babylon and southern Mesopotamia. The Assyrian conquerors
invented a new policy towards the conquered: in order to prevent
nationalist revolts by the conquered people, the Assyrians would force the
people they conquered to migrate in large numbers to other areas of the
empire. Besides guaranteeing the security of an empire built off of
conquered people of different cultures and languages, these mass
deportations of the populations in the Middle East, Mesopotamia, and
Armenia, turned the region into a melting pot of diverse cultures,
religions, and languages. Whereas there would be little cultural contact
between the conquered and the conquerors in early Mesopotamian history,
under the Assyrians the entire area became a vast experiment in cultural
mixing. It was the Assyrian monarch, Sargon II (721-705 BC), who first
forcefully relocated Hebrews after the conquest of Israel, the northern
kingdom of the Hebrews. Although this was a comparatively mild deportation
and perfectly in line with Assyrian practice, it marks the historical
beginning of the Jewish diaspora. This chapter in the Jewish diaspora,
however, never has been really written, for the Hebrews deported from
Israel seem to have blended in with Assyrian society and, by the time
Nebuchadnezzar II conquers Judah (587 BC), the southern kingdom of the
Hebrews, the Israelites deported by Sargon II have disappeared nameless
and faceless into the sands of northern Mesopotamia.
The monarchs of Assyria, who hated Babylon with a passion since it
constantly contemplated independence and sedition, destroyed that city and
set up their capital in Nineveh. Later, however, feeling that the
Babylonian god, Marduk, was angry at them, they rebuilt the city and
returned the idol of Marduk to a temple in Babylon. The last great monarch
of Assyria was Ashurbanipal (668-626 BC), who not only extended the
empire, but also began a project of assembling a library of tablets of all
the literature of Mesopotamia. Thirty thousand tablets still remain of
Ashurbanipal's great library in the city of Nineveh; these tablets are our
single greatest source of knowledge of Mesopotamian culture, myth, and
After Ashurbanipal, the great Assyrian empire began to crumble; the
greatest pressure on the empire came from their old and bitter enemies,
the Babylonians. Aided by another Semitic people, the Medes, the
Babylonians led by Nabopolassar eventually conquered the Assyrian capital
of Nineveh and burned it to the ground, ending forever Assyrian dominance
in the region.
Simply put, the Assyrian state was forged in the crucible of war,
invasion, and conquest. The upper, land-holding classes consisted almost
entirely of military commanders who grew wealthy from the spoils taken in
war. The army was the largest standing army ever seen in the Middle East
or Mediterranean. The exigencies of war excited technological innovation
which made the Assyrians almost unbeatable: iron swords, lances, metal
armor, and battering rams made them a fearsome foe in battle.
The odd paradox of Assyrian culture was the dramatic growth in science
and mathematics; this can be in part explained by the Assyrian obsession
with war and invasion. Among the great mathematical inventions of the
Assyrians were the division of the circle into 360 degrees and were among
the first to invent longitude and latitude in geographical navigation.
They also developed a sophisticated medical science which greatly
influenced medical science as far away as Greece.
...a Sumerian proverb goes something like:
Who possesses much silver may be happy,
Who possesses much barley may be happy,
But who has nothing at all, can sleep.
World Cultures Glossary
The Akkadians
Among the earliest civilizations were the diverse peoples living in
the fertile valleys lying between the Tigris and Euphrates valley, or
Mesopotamia, which in Greek means, "between the rivers." In the south of
this region, in an area now in Kuwait and northern Saudi Arabia, a
mysterious group of people, speaking a language unrelated to any other
human language we know of, began to live in cities, which were ruled by
some sort of monarch, and began to write. These were the Sumerians, and
around 3000 BC they began to form large city-states in southern
Mesopotamia that controlled areas of several hundred square miles. The
names of these cities speak from a distant and foggy past: Ur, Lagash,
Eridu. These Sumerians were constantly at war with one another and other
peoples, for water was a scarce and valuable resource. The result over
time of these wars was the growth of larger city-states as the more
powerful swallowed up the smaller city-states. Eventually, the Sumerians
would have to battle another peoples, the Akkadians, who migrated up from
the Arabian peninsula. The Akkadians were a Semitic people, that is, they
spoke a Semitic language related to languages such as Hebrew and Arabic.
When the two peoples clashed, the Sumerians gradually lost control over
the city-states they had so briliantly created and fell under the hegemony
of the Akkadian kingdom which was based in Akkad, the city that was later
to become Babylon.
But that was not the end of the Sumerians. The Akkadians abandoned
much of their culture and absorbed vast amounts of Sumerian culture,
including their religion, writing, government structure, literature, and
law. But the Sumerians retained nominal control over many of their
defeated city-states, and in 2125, the Sumerian city of Ur rose up against
the Akkadians and gained for their daring control over the city states of
southern Mesopotamia. But the revival of Sumerian fortune was to be
short-lived, for after a short century, another wave of Semitic migrations
signed the end of the original creators of Mesopotamian culture.
But history sometimes plays paradoxical games and human cultures
sometimes persist in strange ways. For the great experiment of the
Sumerians was civilization, a culture transformed by the practical effects
of urbanization, writing, and monarchy. While the Sumerians disappear from
the human story around 2000 BC, the invaders that overthrew them adopted
their culture and became, more or less, Sumerian. They adopted the
government, economy, city-living, writing, law, religion, and stories of
the original peoples. Why? What would inspire a people to deliberately
adopt foreign ways? For whatever reason, the culture the later Semites
inherited from the Sumerians consisted of the following:
World Cultures Glossary
Legitimation of Authority
Mesopotamia Glossary
The Sumerians seem to have developed one of the world's first systems
of monarchy; the early states they formed needed a new form of government
in order to govern larger areas and diverse peoples. The very first states
in human history, the states of Sumer, seemed to have been ruled by a type
of priest-king, called in Sumerian, a ; among their duties were leading
the military, administering trade, judging disputes, and engaging in the
most important religious ceremonies. The priest-king ruled through a
series of bureaucrats, many of them priests, that carefully surveyed land,
assigned fields, and distributed crops after harvest. This new institution
of monarchy required the invention of a new legitimation of authority
beyond the tribal justification of chieftainship based on concepts of
kinship and responsibility. So the Sumerians seemed to have at first
justified the monarch's authority based on some sort of divine selection,
but later began to assert that the monarch himself was divine and worthy
of worship. This legitimation of monarchical authority would serve all the
later peoples who settled or imitated Mesopotamian city-states; the only
exception were the Hebrews who imitated Mesopotamian kingship but
construed the monarchy not as a divine election but as disobedience to
Yahweh, the Hebrew god.
The principal character of Sumerian government was bureaucracy; the
monarchy effectively held power over great areas of land and diverse
peoples by having a large and efficient "middle management." This middle
management, which consisted largely of priests, bore all the
responsibility of surveying and distributing land as well as distributing
crops. For city living greatly changes the human relation to food
production: when people begin to live in cities, that means a large part
of the human population ceases to grow or raise its own food, which means
that all those people who do grow and raise food need to feed all those
who don't. This requires some sort of distribution mechanism, which
requires the greatest of all inventions of civilizations, the bureaucrat.
And to make sure that the entire mechanism works, the newly urbanized
needs to invent a tool to make the bureaucrat's life easier:
record-keeping. And record-keeping means writing in some form or another.
Mesopotamia Glossary
The first writings, in fact, were records?tons of records: stone
tablets filled with numbers recording distributed goods. These early
writings (besides the numerals) were actually pictures, or rough sketches,
you might say, of the words they represented; this early Sumerian writing
was pictographic writing. The Sumerians would scrawl their picture words
using reeds as a writing instrument on wet clay which would then dry into
stone-hard tablets, which is very good because it's hard to lose your
records if they are big old heavy tablets. (And more permanent: when all
the paper in all the books you see around you has gone to dust and ashes,
the Sumerian tablets will still bear mute witness to the hot days when
farmers brought grain to city storehouses and bureaucrat-priests parcelled
out food to their citizens while scratching on wet clay with their reeds)
Eventually, the Sumerians made their writing more efficient, and slowly
converted their picture words to a short-hand consisting of wedged lines
created by bending the reed against the wet clay and moving the end
closest to the hand back and forth once. And thus was born a form of
writing that persisted longer than any other form of writing besides
Chinese: cuneiform, or "wedge-shaped" (which is what cuneiform means in
Latin) writing.
All this administration of agriculture required much more careful
planning, since each farmer had to produce a far greater excess of produce
than he would actually consume. And all the bureaucratic record keeping
demanded some kind of efficient system of measuring long periods of time.
So the Sumerians invented calendars, which they divided into twelve months
based on the cycle of the moon. Since a year consisting of twelve lunar
months is considerably shorter than a solar year, the Sumerians added a
"leap month" every three years in order to catch up with the sun. This
interest in measuring long periods of time led the Sumerians to develop a
complicated knowledge of astronomy and the first human invention of the
zodiac in order to measure yearly time.
World Cultures Glossary
Abstract Mathematics
Record-keeping pushes the human mind in other directions as well. In
particular, record-keeping demands that humans start doing something all
humans love to do: calculating. Numbers have to be added up, subtracted,
multiplied, divided, and sundry other fun things. So the Sumerians
developed a sophistication with mathematics that had never been seen
before on the human landscape. And all that number crunching led the
Sumerians to begin crude speculations about the nature of numbers and
processes involving numbers?abstract mathematics.
Hebrew Reader
Genesis Introduction
We know very little about the early Semitic religions, but the Semites
that invaded Mesopotamia seem to have completely abandoned their religion
in favor of Sumerian religion. Sumerian religion was polytheistic, that
is, the Sumerians believed in and worshipped many gods. These gods were
incredibly powerful and anthropomorphic, that is, they resembled humans.
Many of these gods controlled natural forces and were associated with
astronomical bodies, such as the sun. The gods were creator gods; as a
group, they had created the world and the people in it. Like humans, they
suffered all the ravages of human emotional and spiritual frailties: love,
lust, hatred, anger, regret. Among the gods' biggest regrets was the
creation of human life; the Sumerians believed that these gods regretted
the creation of human life and sent a flood to destroy their faulty
creation, but one man survived by building a boat. While the destruction
of the earth in a great flood is nearly universal in all human mythology
and religion, we can't be sure if the Semites had a similar story or took
it over from the Sumerians. This is, of course, a question of contemporary
significance: according to Genesis, the originator of the Hebrew race, the
patriarch Abraham, originally came from the city of Ur.
Although the gods were unpredictable, the Sumerians sought out ways
to discover what the gods held in store for them. Like all human cultures,
the Sumerians were struck by the wondrous regularity of the movement of
the heavens and speculated that this movement might contain some secret to
the intentions of the gods. So the Sumerians invented astrology, and
astrology produced the most sophisticated astronomical knowledge ever seen
to that date, and astrology produced even more sophisticated mathematics.
They also examined the inner organs of sacrificed animals for secrets to
the gods' intentions or to the future. These activities produced a steady
increase in the number of priests and scribes, which further accelerated
learning and writing.
Sumerian religion was oriented squarely in this world. The gods did not
occupy some world existentially different from this one, and no rewards or
punishments accrued to human beings after death. Human beings simply
becamse wisps within a house of dust; these sad ghosts would fade into
nothing within a century or so.
World Cultures Glossary
Among the inventions of the Sumerians, the most persistent and
far-reaching was their invention of law. While all cultures have some
system of social regulation and conflict resolution, law is a distinct
phenomenon. Law is written and adminstered retribution and conflict
resolution. It is distinct from other forms of retribution and conflict
resolution by the following characteristics:
Law is retribution that is administered by a centralized authority. This
way retribution for wrongs does not threaten to escalate into a cycle of
mutual revenge. Sumerian law sits half way between individual revenge
and state-administered revenge: it is up to the individual to drag
(quite literally) the accused party into the court, but the court
actually determines the nature of the retribution to be exacted.
Law is written; in this way, law assumes an independent character beyond
the centralized authority that adminsters it. This produces a
sociological fiction that the law controls those who administer the law
and that the "law" exacts retribution, not humans.
Law is at its heart revenge; the basic cultural mechanism for dealing
with unacceptable behavior is to exact revenge. Unacceptable behavior
outside the sphere of revenge initially did not come under the
institution of law: it was only much later that disputes that didn't
involve retribution would be included in law.
World Cultures Glossary
Lex Talionis
Mesopotamia Reader
The Code of Hammurabi
Although we don't know much about Sumerian law, scholars agree that
the Code of Hammurabi, written by a Babylonian monarch, reproduces
Sumerian law fairly exactly. Sumerian law, as represented in Hammurabi's
code, was a law of exact revenge, which we call lex talionis. This is
revenge in kind: "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a
life," and reveals to us that human law has as its fundamental basis
revenge. Sumerian law was also only partly administered by the state; the
victim had to bring the criminal to court. Once there, the court mediated
the dispute, rendered a decision, and most of the time a court official
would execute the sentence, but often it fell on the victim or the
victim's family to enforce the sentence. Finally, Sumerian law recognized
class distinctions; under Sumerian law, everyone was not equal under the
law. Harming a priest or noble person was a far more serious crime than
harming a slave or poor person; yet, the penalties assessed for a noble
person who commits a crime were often far harsher than the penalties
assessed for someone from the lower classes who committed the same crime.
This great invention, law, would serve as the basis for the
institution of law among all the Semitic peoples to follow: Babylonians,
Assyrians, and, eventually, the Hebrews.
Richard Hooker